Experience Management

Maintain a log of player-character experience gains and expenditures with the /experience command group.

Experience can be awarded or deducted from characters with /experience award and /experience deduct, respectively. Both commands have the following parameters:



The player who owns the character


The character from whom to award/deduct XP


The amount of XP to award/deduct


Whether to apply the operation to lifetime or current XP


An admin-given note about the reason for the change

Players and admins may view their characters' experience logs with the /experience log command.

To remove a log entry, use the /experience remove entry command. This takes a player, character, and log_index parameter. The log_index is the log entry number as shown by /experience log.

When removing an entry, the confirmation message will give the admin an option to reverse the XP change; i.e. if the entry was an award of 10 lifetime XP, a button will appear that, when clicked, will subtract 10 lifetime XP.

Bulk experience

If you manage a large server, the /bulk award xp command can save a lot of time. This command pops up a modal dialogue with the following required parameters:



The reason the XP is being granted. Example: "Weekly XP"

Experience list

A list of characters and the XP to grant, separated by line.

The list must follow this format:

N xp <@User ID> Character name

Where N is the amount of XP to give that character, User ID is the player's Discord ID, and Character name is the character's name.

If there are any errors in your input (misspelled character name, invalid user, etc.), then no experience will be rewarded. You will instead see a list of lines Inconnu understood, followed by a list of error lines.

Syntax example:

5 xp <@1234567890> Nadea Theron
3 xp <@0987654321> Billy Bill
4 xp <@3485734857> Jimmy Maxwell

Last updated